Sunday, 13 September 2009

02 NPP Waveney Springs 13.09.2009

Continued from 01 NPP Waveney Springs 29.08.2009

Sunday 13 September 2009 - Frogstock opened Friday and Waveney Springs Art Trail open studios began at Heaven Saturday for Ben and myself. Friday's Bury Free Press put an article about the 4th Plinth on p.2:
During the day tents and stages were being moved an assembled behind The Swan Inn:

I painted a trailer which would be the acoustic stage:

Saturday morning the sky was blue with fluffy white clouds and a criss-cross plane trail while plastic police cones lined the village street:

The weather was gorgeous as sunshine drenched us all. At Heaven paintings were displayed under cover and sculpture lay as usual about the field:

Saturday evening I performed at Frogstock on the acoustic stage with Romney on hand drum, shaker and vocals. A comedian dressed as Jesus-cum-John the Baptist-cum-Osama Bin Laden was a notable turn late in the evening. Maybe it was the Norfolk Cider, but Aaron Barschak made me laugh. He later told me he had a previous record:
Saturday's glorious sunshine and blue skies were only clouded by Arsenal's defeat at Man City.

I left Frogstock about 1.30am to get some rest before Sunday's second open day at Heaven during which at least 3 mothers visiting my artworks on display commented upon my acoustic stage performance the evening before - were you the guy playing last night? They each enthused about how much fun they had at Frogstock; how their kids thought Coney Weston was the most exciting and coolest place over the weekend; indeed, one mother quoted her daughter: "It was the best day of my life except when I was born!"

I also heard how members of the St. John's Ambulance crew and the police were over heard commenting positively on the lasagna and other food available. Surly a good sign. Generally, I have already received much positive feedback and have encouraged people to write to the Parish Magazine, local newspapers and The Swan to tell them. There was much talk and gossip beforehand and no doubt numerous difficulties staging Frogstock. The police traffic cones up and down the road running through Coney Weston looked horrific, but really a very minor irritation. Well done to those who were brave enough organise this community event. I believe it enthused and inspired many, especially the younger generations and left a few wondering if their fuss and fear prior to the event was misplaced.

Also, on the Saturday I received a package from Trafalgar 4th Plinth organisers One & Other: the plinth was originally designed in 1841 by Charles Barry to display an 'equestrian' statue. Funds were lacking to complete the plan. The connection with Newmarket and East Anglia is therefore, remarkably apt for me just now. I'm investigating painting a life-size model horse on the plinth.

Friday 18 September 2009 - I visited London to check out the Trafalgar Square 4th Plinth.

I also had a call from the One & Other organisation to confirm my participation. An amusing highlight was a naked painted women standing on the plinth.

Monday 21 September 2009 - We had another weekend of lovely weather and especially on Sunday enough visitors to keep us busy. Now I will focus upon Trafalgar Square.
Meanwhile, Sibel Edmonds' story has been published by The American Conservative magazine:

Go to 01 Trafalgar to Turkey 29.09.2009
Go to The story so far
Go to NPP Waveney Springs